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Call for abstract submission open in January and will close Friday 28 February.

Submit your abstract

We invite you to submit an abstract for an oral presentation, to share your research, knowledge and experience, and be part of the conference programme.   This is a traditional presentation, which may be supported with audio visual aids. Oral presentations will be allocated 20 minutes followed by 5 minutes for discussion and questions and you will need to be in person for this presentation, zoom facilities will not be available.

Feel free to be creative in how you bring this to life for your audience. 

Submission guidelines

You will be required to have:

  • Contact details of lead contact - All communications and correspondence regarding this abstract submission will be sent to this person.
  • Abstract written in the correct format (see below)
  • Authors affiliations (organisation, city)
  • Short biographies of presenting authors 
  • You will also be required to identify the best fit for your abstract from the presentation types and themes below

Format for abstracts

  • Microsoft Word document
  • Arial, 12 point
  • Maximum of 400 words
  • Single spacing without justified margins
  • You will be required to enter short biographies (maximum one paragraph) on all presenting authors, during the abstract submission process.

Criteria for Evaluating Abstracts

All abstracts are subject to review process by the Programme Committee. In evaluating the abstract the reviewers will be mindful of the following criteria:

  • Abstracts are in plain language, free of specialist jargon, unless it is clearly appropriate.
  • The degree to which the substance for the abstract contributes to the conference theme(s).
  • Innovation and originality or application of existing ideas in ways that provide new insights and add knowledge to the field.

Conditions of submission

  • Late submissions will not be accepted.
  • The conference will review all abstracts and may contact authors as part of the review process.
  • A condition of acceptance is that at least one author registers to present at the conference. They are responsible for their own travel, accommodation and registration expenses. Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to authors or presenters.
  • It is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure the accuracy of the content, spelling, grammar and formatting of the abstract as it will be published as it is submitted.

Submitting your abstract

Please email your abstracts to the Conference Manager.

Further information

If you are having difficulty submitting your abstract, then please contact the conference organisers.

